Monday, September 1, 2008

Obama's Got My Number

So I thought it was pretty interesting that Obama decided to announce his VP choice via text message. I'm not an Obama supporter (I plan on voting for myself) but I figured that if Obama was going to take the trouble to set up this whole text message thing, I might as well sign up and be the first to know.
Well, I gave him my number to Barak and he made good on his word. He texted me, and sent me an email announcing Joe Biden as his Democratic Vice Presidential candidate. He even emailed me back with some upcoming dates of when he will be speaking after I replied to his email saying "thanks for the update Barak". He even emailed me later in the week telling me about Michelle and some of her speaking dates. Then I started getting emails from Joe Biden. I usually don't like it when people pass around my email to others people or companies don't know, but I guess since Biden could be the next Vice President, it's no big deal.
It just kind of makes me wonder who else Obama gave my info to. How many times does he plan on emailing me in the future? I haven't taken myself off the list yet, but Barak has gotten fairly friendly with the emails. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. There's no doubt it's going to be an interesting election season. I guess I'm lucky I've got Obama keeping me up to speed.