Monday, January 21, 2008

The Dark Side of Mobile Media

   It is the question that no one really wants to ask: What exactly is the physiological effect of all those electromagnetic messages whizzing through our brains, twenty four hours a day, at every imaginable frequency? Few people would likely assume that all those cell phone calls, wifi networks, and everything in between could be having a positive effect on our bodies, but then again, mobile media has such a positive impact on our day to day lives that it couldn't possible be hurting our bodies in the long run, could it?
   A new study shows that radiation from cell phones can cause headaches, confusion, stress, and loss of sleep. The study shows that mobile phone use before sleep can significantly impair the bodies ability to repair damage suffered during the day. This study, while the most comprehensive of its kind, is labeled "inconclusive" by critics. However, other studies around the world indicate that cell phone use most likely has a measurable effect on the brain.
   I anticipate this subject to be a 'hot button'  issue in the not so distant future. In our lifetime will we see low radiation cellphones, cell phone bans, fines for second-hand radiation? Only time will tell.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Some futurists I know think that this is one of those issues which could have a catastrophic impact on our world economies in the next 20 years should it become evident that electomagnetic radiation is harming us. Scary to think about.