Tuesday, March 25, 2008

That's Not True. I saw it on YouTube.

This week, Hillary Clinton got called out on the details of her 1996 trip to Bosnia. In a recent speech, she claims to have arrived under sniper fire in a war zone, and have to be hurried away from the cancelled greeting ceremony. In actuality, the greeting ceremony did take place and Hilary ended up singing songs with Sheryl Crow and Sinbad on a nearby USO stage. How did the public find out the real story? CBS was there with their cameras and the clip from 12 years ago ended up on YouTube.

What is the moral of the story? The camera never lies and these days, the camera is everywhere. The next generation of politicians in America will essentially have their whole lives recorded. From the time they are kids playing around with their webcams, to the drunken college Facebook years, and far beyond. Every statement the make can be crossed-referenced and scrutinized and judged. Will we simply have to accept all the flaws, mistakes, and  roughspots of our future leader's past or will we breed super qualified squeaky-clean politicians? I think it might be good for Americans to loose the idealistic expectations of our political leaders. They are human beings too. But I also, think it will foster an atmosphere of honesty and disclosure that will take some of the rhetoric out of campaigning. 

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